About The Union Of Bafut Women Maryland, USA





Verse 1

Union of Bafut women UBA hail. We congregate to foster our culture. Learning and empowering one another Gearing towards positive changes in our lives, our homes and communities.


Hail U—BA, we sing of thee.

May their fame ever glo—rious be.

That we will live to hail our land.

The women here devoted, and fervently pray (x2)

Verse 2

Respect is what we cling onto everyday.

Honesty is the moral we uphold.

Integrity is seen in our characters.

In our lives, Our homes, and Communities.

Verse 3

Helping ourselves and the needy in crisis.

Rejoice with one another in times of joy.

Boosting Self-Esteem as we join together.

Gearing towards positive changes.

In our lives, Our homes, and Communities.



Union of Bafut Women Association started in Aghiati, a small village in Bafut in Northwest Region of Cameroon in 1988. The first president was Mrs Catherine Ngwa who started group along with a few women who saw the need for self-development and empowerment. Within a few years the association grew very quickly in record numbers as the women made tremendous impact in the community decided to request a piece of land from the Fon of Bafut where they engaged in the cultivation of cash crops like palm trees and eucalyptus trees which were sold to generate income.

The eucalyptus trees were used to produce timber for various uses such as roofing, furniture and etc. Members had shares worth 500cfrs each and they hired workers for the labor. That farmland is still producing as of date. As the years went by the association continued to grow and new branches formed in Nkwen, Ngomham, and Mankon.

In 2013 some members who migrated from Cameroon to the USA decided to start a branch here in Maryland under the leadership of Mrs. Regina Sama along with seven women working in collaboration with the three branches in Cameroon. In 2019 another branch started in Minnesota. We are hopeful that more branches will continue to form so that together we will be able to touch and transform the lives of more underprivileged individuals, families and communities. Because UBA-Maryland is based here in the Maryland Metropolitan area, we provide services to various communities such as the Homeless Shelters for women, Soup Kitchens, and back to school supplies to students in need. Over the course of its existence in the United States, UBA has had the privilege and opportunity to provide support to:

  • Crisis Center for women and Our Daily Bread Centers in the Baltimore area
  • The BMCA caterpillar project in Bafut
  • Christian university Laboratory of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
  • The Northwest Fons’ Council USA
  • Humanitarian aid through the Cameroonian community in New Jersey
  • Internally displaced people in Bafut through “Nda Befe” Worldwide
  • The refugees in Nigeria
  • Displaced families in Pinyin, Bafut, and Batibo
  • Transportation of Ms. Aweh’s corpse from Panama to Ntamulung Bamenda, and
  • Transportation of plane crash victim’s corpse from the United States to Bafut, just to name a few.


At the moment the association has a group of youths receiving vocational training at several training centers in Bamenda Town in the North West Region of Cameroon.

While our present focus is to support our displaced sons and daughters with food and other basic necessities, we wish to proceed with this mission by assisting the youths, widows and orphans.

At this particular time, the socio-political and economic situation prevailing in Cameroon has placed our communities in a vulnerable state. There is teenage pregnancy, lack of education, no vocational skills, and poor healthcare and abject poverty. Consequently, this branch of the association in Maryland is working in collaboration with the other three branches in Cameroon to identify and conduct a need appraisal for qualified applicants. Those who qualify are placed at various training centers to acquire skills in their area of interest such as Hair Dressing, Tailoring, Manicure, Pedicure, Panel Beating, Motor Mechanics, Carpentry, Information Technology, Barbering, Driving, Construction, and Bakery just to name a few.

The association sponsors their training and apprenticeship to ensure job preparedness, adequate training and placement as well as giving them startup capital for a small businesses venture of their choice.

We continue to equip these centers with emergency care supplies for wounds, emergency medicines, and other basic health needs. We give out nonperishable food supplies and portable water to those in need. We appreciate your generous donations to support these initiatives.

 Thank you in advance for your generosity.


UBA MARYLAND USA Programs are developed within the framework of four principles :

  • Transformation: Individuals and Communities are transformed into ones with Dignity and wholeness through a Spiritual, Social, Economic and Physical Change.
  • Sustainability: Lasting impact is realized through locally sustainable programs.
  • Empowerment: Development occurs to the extent that local communities, leaders and individuals are empowered to affect positive change.
  • Collaboration: The means of development are demonstrated through partnering with the local communities, like-minded organizations and individuals.

Today, UBA continues its mission as a voice for the silent, an opportunity for the oppressed and water for those who thirst Food for the Hungry.

UBA helps to provide the dignity that comes from an educated mind, a healthy body, an honest day’s wage and a safe place to heal.

UBA is the one who comes alongside those gripped by poverty to offer a hand up instead of a handout. But more than anything, UBA is the reflection of Jesus Christ’s compassion for all who suffer.


The Union of Bafut Women Association strives to promote the well being of the underprivileged both here in the USA, in Bafut and its environs in the North West region of Cameroon especially youths widows and orphans.

Nonprofit Purpose

This Association is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes as well as support to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Specific Purpose

UBA provides services for persons with special needs, disabilities, at-risk behaviors and under privileged with the aim of changing and improving their lives. Career training and job placement are made available and modified to accommodate the specific needs of the participants.

 Specific Objectives:

Provide assistance to youths, widows, and orphans who lost their husbands and parents respectively to:

  1. Provide moral support to members in time of joy and sorrow as well as recreational activities.
  2. Encourage a spirit of togetherness, understanding, selfless service to people of Bafut and USA.
  3. Assist the underprivileged (sick, injured, needy and disabled victims of violence and armed conflicts) by providing medications, wound care supplies and psychotherapy to those traumatized by the ongoing violence and armed conflicts in Cameroon.
  4. Provide rehabilitating to those who lost their homes due to the violence and ongoing armed conflicts in Cameroon by providing shelters or reconstructing destroyed homes or lost to fire.
  5. Identify and sponsor vocational training programs that will develop and transform the lives of the under privileged thereby promoting self-sufficiency for a sustainable living.
  6. Provide back to school supplies to under privileged students, nonperishable food items and toiletries to individuals in homeless shelters and soup kitchens in Maryland USA.
  7. Seek to promote, inspire and mobilize communities to a positive change and healthy living by organizing information sessions and educational workshops.


UBA MARYLAND USA is an apolitical organization you can trust.  The fiscal year runs from July to June of the following year.

UBA MARYLAND USA supports all people regardless of ethnicity, gender, race, religion, or cultural beliefs.

UBA uses market-based and community-driven enterprise solutions to empower, protect, and build resiliency through innovative, environmentally conscious, and transformative projects.

We deliver our programming through strategic local partnerships to create a maximal, sustainable impact.

UBA Maryland USA has touched the lives of the underprivileged both in Africa (Cameroon, Nigeria) & the United States of America (Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Washington DC and Virginia).

All UBA Maryland USA projects follow standard operating procedures which are revised from time to time to keep up with change. These standard operating procedures encompass entire sets of processes such as accounting, project initiation, completion and reporting. All volunteers and partner organizations are strictly required to follow these procedures.

UBA Maryland USA executes its projects, either through volunteers or partner organizations to safeguard UBA Maryland USA’s interests. Project funding is not released until a project proposal is submitted and approved by UBA Maryland USA management, and an agreement is signed. The agreement clearly states the purpose of the project and expected results, and requires submission of a project completion report, photographs, and receipts upon completion.

In the case of a long-term on-going project, interim reports are submitted at regular intervals in order to monitor ongoing performance and to decide on further funding.

UBA Maryland USA stipulates to partner organizations and volunteers exclusively on who can receive support for the designated project at hand.

Partner organizations and volunteers are required to undergo an investigation process in which they fill applications to qualify individuals for support. This may include visiting the applicants’ localities, interviewing, inquiring about them from neighbors orientation and local shop keepers etc.

Funds are solicited through mass mailing campaigns, magazine, newspaper, television advertisements, & social networking.

The majority of UBA Maryland USA’s donations come from individual donors, families and cultural organizations with common interest and values with UBA Maryland USA.

UBA Maryland USA helps beneficiaries in a variety of ways in the form of direct financial assistance, non perishable food, drinking water, agriculture (such as trees, seeds, livestock, and poultry), clothing, educational support, and medical assistance.

UBA Maryland USA also sends containers which consist of a variety of goods including used computers, medical equipment, medical supplies, toys, books, clothes, shoes etc.

All the household items are distributed among the deserving in economically depressed families. Computers and books are distributed at schools, wound care supplies, medications and medical equipment are given to outpatient clinics, hospitals which serve the poor.

 For an individual or a family to survive in today’s competitive environment, some type of job skills training is required. UBA Maryland USA recognizes this need and encourages people to learn to help themselves. Underprivileged individuals are financially supported when attending Job Skills Training classes sponsored by UBA – Maryland while they may learn a trade from which they can earn stable income. This type of project assists families to break out of the perpetual poverty cycle and improve their overall quality of life. Currently we have about 30 youths in training at various centers in Bamenda town in the North West Region of Cameroon.

Types of Job Skills Training include:

  • Information Technology
  • Sewing and Fashion Design
  • Driving Lessons
  • Automobile & Tractor
  • Electrician
  • Gardening
  • Hair Barbing & Hair Dressing
  • Painting
  • Carpentry
  • Masonry (Stone Work)
  • Plumbing
  • Women who complete the Tailoring / Sewing Course are given sewing machines and startup capitals upon graduating


The officers of this Board shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.

All officers must have the status of active members of the Board.

The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership. The President shall have the following duties:

a. She shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee.

b. She shall have general and active management of the business of this Advisory Board.

c. She shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Advisory Board are brought to the Advisory Board.

d. She shall have general superintendence and direction of all other officers of this Association and see that their duties are properly performed.

e. She shall submit a report of the operations of the program for the fiscal year to the Advisory Board and members at their annual meetings, and from time to time, shall report to the Board all matters that may affect this program.

f. She shall be Ex-officio member of all standing committees and shall have the power and duties usually vested in the office of the President.

  1. The Vice-President shall be vested with all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the President during the absence of the latter. The Vice President shall act as an aid to the President and shall preside at the meetings and perform her duties in the absence of the President.
  2. Works in close collaboration with the president
  3. As the Vice-Presidents, she shall have the duty of chairing their perspective committee and such other duties as may, from time to time, be determined by the Advisory Board.

The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Advisory Board and of the Executive Committee, and all meetings of members, and assisted by a staff member, will act as a clerk thereof. The Secretary’s duties shall consist of:

a. She shall record all votes and minutes of all proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose. She in concert with the President shall make the arrangements for all meetings of the Advisory Board, including the annual meeting of the organization.

b. Assisted by a staff member, he/she shall send notices of all meetings to the members of the Advisory Board and shall take reservations for the meetings.

c. She shall perform all official correspondence from the Advisory Board as may be prescribed by the Advisory Board or the President.

d. Works in close collaboration with the president

e. The Secretary shall write and keep an accurate record of all meetings in the Secretary’s book.

f. Minutes and updated enrollment record are kept as a permanent record.

g. She shall be responsible for drafting all correspondence between UBA-Maryland USA and other organizations

h. Draw up agenda for meetings in collaboration with president



The Treasures duties shall be:

a. She shall submit for the Finance and Fund Raising Committee approval of all expenditures of funds raised by the Advisory Board, proposed capital expenditures (equipment and furniture) by the staff of the agency.

b. She shall present a complete and accurate report of the finances raised by this Advisory Board at each meeting of the members, or at any other time upon request to the Advisory Board.

c. She shall have the right of inspection of the funds resting with the Association’s Program including budgets and subsequent audit reports.

d. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to assist in direct audits of the funds of the program according to funding source guidelines and generally accepted accounting principles.

e. She shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Advisory Board or the President under whose supervision he/she shall be.

f. The Treasurer shall receive all money of the association and pay all bills.

g. She shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements.

h. She shall deposit all moneys promptly in the association’s bank account. i. She shall present a statement of accounts at every meeting j. She shall carry out all other duties usually performed by the Treasurer.

k. She shall propose a budget to be presented to the executive by the annual planning meeting. l. She shall submit a year-end report after the close of the fiscal year.


The Financial Secretary duties shall be:

  1. Requesting and collecting the various dues required from members
  2. Keep a strict accurate and current record of all the income of the association.
  3. Give a financial statement at every meeting and render a written quarterly
  4. Work with treasurer to present a balance sheet annually and submit the records for auditing.

The Social Secrataries duties shall be:

  1. Organize or coordinate following the general plan of the association, social days or evening for members
  2. Act as discipline mistress (Chief Whip) to ensure order during meetings
  3. Organize the cleaning and arrangement of meeting places and other places used by the association
  4. Acts as the time keeper responsible to keeping a record of members attendance both at meetings and participation during events.

The Chief Whip duties shall be:

  1. Discipline Mistress
  2. Time Keeper
  3. Maintains Order During Meeting
  4. Keeps attendance during meetings
  5. Levies fines & member who do not dress properly
  6. Ensures all abide by rules and regulations

The Advisors duties shall be:

  1. Advise at all levels on general and moral issues when the need arises
  2. Advise on discipline, planning and organization of special occasions and programs


The financial secretary is the chair of the Finance Committee, which includes three other board members. The Finance Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures, fundraising plans, and the annual budget with staff and other board members. The board must approve the budget and all expenditures must be within budget. Any major change in the budget must be approved by the board or the Executive Committee. The fiscal year shall be the calendar year. Annual reports are required to be submitted to the board showing income, expenditures, and pending income. The financial records of the Association are public information and shall be made available to the membership, board members, and the public.

Specific projects shall be identified, and funds raised to sponsor the project.

The board may create committees as needed, such as fundraising, public relations, data collection, etc. The board chair appoints all committee chairs.


  • At least 6 volunteer members
  • Board members (Committee Chair should be a Board member)
  • Non-Board members (including potential Board members)
  • A few members have non-profit fundraising experience
  • Development Staff (if no development staff, Executive Director)


Roles and Responsibilities

  • Review all previous year fundraising activity including Annual Appeal and make recommendations for improvements for new fiscal year.
  • Conduct a fundraising SWOT analysis and revise and update the previous fund development plan based on findings.
  • Hold staff accountable for implementing the strategies of the fund development plan within stated timeframes; measure progress toward goals monthly; troubleshoot with staff as necessary.
  • Maintain shared fundraising calendar.
  • Analyze relationships with current and prospective major donors and funders, and develop individualized strategies to cultivate or strengthen those relationships.
  • Analyze relationships with current and prospective corporate sponsors, devise sponsorship packages, and work with staff and Board to develop relationships.
  • Work with Finance Committee to determine annual development budget.
  • Work with staff and outside consultants as required to plan and execute fundraising and friend-raising events.
  • Along with Executive Director, meet with current and prospective major donors and funders (foundations and corporations).
  • Tap respective networks for potential donors of money, time and in-kind support.
  • Copy staff on all donor email contacts (and alert staff about phone contacts) to ensure CRM is updated; request relevant reports from staff via CRM to inform decisions.
  • Report back to the full Board during board meetings.
  • Meet monthly and as needed.
  • Determine Board fundraising expectations and goals; provide guidance for Board members on meeting fundraising goals; track progress toward fundraising goals both for individual Board members and for the Board as a whole.

Project manager duties:

  • Develop a project plan
  • Manage deliverables according to the plan
  • Recruit project staff
  • Lead and manage the project team
  • Determine the methodology used on the project
  • Establish a project schedule and determine each phase
  • Assign tasks to project team members
  • Provide regular updates to upper management

Project team member duties may include:

  • Contributing to overall project objectives
  • Completing individual deliverables
  • Providing expertise
  • Working with users to establish and meet association needs
  • Documenting the process
  • Assigned full or part time to participate in project team activities
  • This role includes all various resources necessary to execute the project plan.


Eligibility for Membership

Application for voting membership shall be open to any female of Bafut origin or married to a Bafut man or from the North West region of Cameroon that identifies with the Bafut Culture. Membership is granted after completion and receipt of a membership application fees, foundation fees and annual dues. All memberships shall be granted upon a majority vote of the board.


  1.     A new member shall pay a $20 registration fee. Every member will pay a onetime membership foundation fee of $150 and a yearly due of $60.
  2.     Members are called upon to be trustworthy, honest, and show dynamism.
  3.     Members have to commit to uphold the constitution and respect the bylaws of the association

Loss of membership:

  Members shall lose membership by:

  1.     Self removal /Withdrawal
  2.     Expulsion due to misconduct or acts of dishonesty after 3 warnings
  3.     Refusal to abide by the regulations of the Association.
  4.     Refusal to pay all financial dues stipulated by the general Assembly
  5.     Case of transfer, or death

 Regaining Membership

  1. Payment of all outstanding dues and a fine of $50
  2. Signing of agreement to abide by the Bylaws of the Association.

Acts of Misconduct:

Members shall be sanctioned or disciplined by the board as stated in the by-laws


Regular meetings of the members shall be held monthly, at a time and place designated as scheduled.

  1. Members shall meet on the second Sunday of each month
    • Time: 5:00pm 8:00pm
  2. The place of meeting is slated for a designated residence and will later on move from house to house when agreed upon.
  3. Entertainment: Achu meal plus soup, vegetables, extra dish, Heineken, Guinness, 3 bottles of wines plus Martini, sweet drinks, water, cutlery, paper tissue & towels

At the meeting the members shall receive reports on the activities of the association and determine the direction of the next meeting.